Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunrise 7

Another morning at the reservoir, this time facing southeastish. I wanted to get a different perspective. Again, I only painted the backdrop for this painting. I will need another morning to complete it.

I used pinks and reds for the base layer. When I add the next layer of more accurate colors to the sky, trees and lake, the bright pink/red will glow subtley through. This creates a sense of light in the painting.

I won't be returning to the reservoir for another week or so, so I will finish this little painting at that time.

"Sunrise 7 (part 1)" - Acrylic on paper.


  1. I like the pinks. . .and asparagus!! yum!! I have never grown anything. How is that possible? I was writing poems....

  2. I turn to the right
    looking east in the world
    for the west of my body

    the sky curves out of my head
    to the northwest

    the southwest rusts at my back
    until the light comes up

    I turn to the south
    I drop the front of myself
    back into the north
