Monday, March 29, 2010

Almencer. Sunrise 10 and 11

Sunrise in Spanish. My dear friend Kyle who has been frolicking around South America for the past three months taught me that.

"Sunrise 11" - Acrylic and colored pencil on canvas paper

Im not a huge fan of this sunrise painting for some reason. I think it feels a little too dainty. Anyway, the sun started initially as a red fire ball right behind the harbor islands. Then, as it rose, it turned into a glowing yellow, casting a yellow light on the water and the sky.

'Sunrise 10' - Acrylic, colored pencil, paper towel (yes, paper towel) and tisue paper on cavas paper.

A sunrise from another one of our many rainy spring days from last week. I was feeling the need for some texture. I put some paper towel and tissue paper into the painting, and then covered them with layers of paint. Sometimes I do that; I use whatever materials I have disposable and see what happens when I incorporate them into my work.

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