
I am a mixed media artist, painter, garden designer, grower and bodyworker (yes, I love to use my hands) who uses inspiration from the natural world to make all sorts of creations from all sorts of materials.  A gardener and grower by day, I spend most of my time in communication with nature and am constantly inspired by the energies, shapes and processes of the world around me. My art is an attempt to express the inspirations I receive daily from the earth- I love to tap into the creative energy around me and share what comes out. It's usually surprising, even to me.

This blog has taken many shapes and forms over the past few years- I suppose it has paralleled my life, which has also taken many shapes and forms. Lately, life has been surprising and more people have shown interest in seeing and even purchasing (gasp!)(huh?) my artwork. So, I figured it was high time I gathered all my pictures and information and stuck them in one, somewhat organized, place.

Some of the artwork posted on my blog is for sale, some is not, and many were commissioned paintings, meaning I had the pleasure of creating a piece of artwork for someone, keeping them in my heart and mind as I created. (*hint: I LOVE doing commissions). If you see anything that strikes your fancy, just drop me a line and I'll let you know if its available for sale or not.

Lastly, if you'd like to learn more about my gardening endeavors (or if you wouldn't like to, but would do me a favor and take a look) you can find all that jazz here: www.vellagardens.com and here: www.rvelladesign.com

Thanks for spending some of your time with my blog and with me.
