Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm running a little behind on posting my sunrises. I will take some time today later today to catch up. I don't have my camera with me, so I will need to get the paintings scanned.

Little by little the sunrise is coming earlier. The days are getting longer. Waking up for the sunrise each morning is balancing my internal clock. Prior to this little experiment, I was awake far too late into the night. Even if my eyes and body were tired, my mind wouldn't turn off. To make up for the late nights, I would sleep later in the morning. And the cycle would just keep going.

Now that I am waking up early to greet the sun, I am finding it much easier fall asleep at night. After a full and long day, my mind is quiet. I feel aligned, once again, with the natural energetic cycle of day and night.


  1. How nice! I am not quite getting up with the sun in NYC. . .but practicing and meditating daily. Getting home too late from teaching to be in bed in time for sunrise. Off to do the Taiji workshop - I wish you were going to be there!!

  2. Ohhhh I wish I was there with you too! Have an amazing weekend. I am already getting excited for our July training. :)
