It is the night of the Full Moon. Just as the New Moon is a perfect time to bring new intentions, ideas, and projects into our lives, the Full Moon is a good time to let things go that no longer serve us. I like to imagine old and hindering patterns slowly dissolve away with the waning of the moon. This evening, I sat for a bit and thought about what I need to let go of this month.
I always feel especcially connected and energized by the Full Moon. In its honor, I attached some pieces of mine that I created by the light of la Luna in years past.
"Message in the NorthWest Night" - Colored Pencil, acrylic, paper, stitching on Cardboard.
"Moon Tree"- Acrylic, colored pencil, paper, cardboard, stitching, moonlight, on canvas I really wanted 'Moon Tree' to capture the energy of the moon, so over the many months that I created this piece, I would place the layers of the painting on the roof of my house to sit under the ligt of the full moon. After they spent some good time outside, I would add the layers to the painting.
Really enjoy these two paintings :)